Welcome to the toddler room

Our spacious toddler room accommodates a maximum of 28 children aged between 2-3 years of age and we work on a 1:4 adult: child ratio. Each child is allocated their own key person who will make your child feel comfortable and valued, as well as ensuring each child receives the best individual care for their developing needs. A "home from home" environment helps children to relax and feel safe and secure within their learning environment.

A separate bathroom area provides for toileting, toilet training and nappy changing.

The toddler room consists of a main room with a carpeted area for floor play and quiet time, and a washable, non-slip floor for messy play. A separate dining room is available where children enjoy their meals and snacks. A choice of hot meals is served each lunch time or children are able to bring their own packed lunch. Sleep facilities are available for those children who wish to sleep/nap during the day.

Within the Toddler Room children can enjoy a range of stimulating adult led and child initiated activities. Activities are planned around the children's interests and development needs and the room is planned to maximise opportunities for children to develop their growing independence and promote choice working within the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) framework.

Children are able to enjoy the well - resourced outside play and garden area throughout each day.

Our toddler room staff are passionate about childcare and provide a happy, welcoming, warm environment and are experienced in the care of young children.

Parents/Carers will receive a full handover from a team member at the end of the day/ session. This will include all relevant information about your child’s day.

Government Funding

Eligible children are entitled to a free Early Years Entitlement place at the start of the school term following their 2nd birthday. A child may access the free place until the end of the school term in which they celebrate their 3rd birthday. At this point, each child is then entitled to 3 & 4 year old funding.

For further details please visit the Early Years Funding page