Welcome to Pre School
Our Pre - School is registered to accommodate 32 children on a 1:8 adult: child ratio for children aged from the term after their 3rd birthday until they go to school. Pre-school runs term time only.
Children are allocated a key person who will ensure that children are happy and settled and that activities are planned around the children’s interests and development needs working within the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) framework.
The children in Pre-school enjoy a wide range of play activities and learning opportunities which are both adult led and child initiated. The children have access to a messy room, two activity rooms including a quiet area, a role play room and a sensory room. A separate toilet area is available to the Pre School children. Children access the well – resourced outside play and garden area throughout each day and often take trips to places of interest within the community or welcome visitors into the pre - school, for example the Fire Service.
A separate dining area is available for snack and mealtimes. A choice of hot meals is served each lunch time or children are able to bring their own packed lunch.
The staff team are experienced in working with Pre School children and are passionate about offering children a range of experiences and opportunities to meet the individual needs of all children.
Parents/Carers will receive a full handover from a team member at the end of the day/ session. This will include all relevant information about your child’s day.
Government Funding
Children are eligible for funding from the term after their 3rd birthday until they go to Primary School. The government funds 15 hours, free for term time only. This can be taken as a morning session from 9:15am - 12:15pm or it can be taken as an afternoon session which runs from 12:15pm - 3:15pm (you can use both sessions in one day).
For further details please visit the Early Years Funding page.
We also offer extra sessions between the hours of 8am - 6pm if required, at a charge (please ask for details).